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IoT in Logistics and Shipping: Revolutionizing Supply Chain Management


The interconnectedness of the logistics and transportation industries supports global economies. It’s the world’s support system and guarantees the smooth movement of people, products, and raw materials across distances. Up to 80% of all goods are shipped in containers. With global commerce growing constantly, there is a pressing need for … Read more

Is Southeast Asia Logistics Autonomous Vehicles Ready?


How products are moved in the logistics and transportation sectors is changing significantly. Autonomous vehicles in logistics, such as self-driving trucks, cars, and drones, are gaining more traction as a potential solution to many of these sectors’ roadblocks.  Part of the reason autonomous vehicles are popular options is that companies … Read more

Why and How To Implement Warehouse Barcode Systems


 Many eCommerce retailers, when starting, will opt to go with a manual stock-picking procedure. The process is simple: you go to where the item is typically kept and pick it up when an order is received. It’s easy to do and keep track of when you only have a small … Read more

Is Robotics in Logistics the Future?

robotics in logistics

Choose your item, put it in your cart, pay, and watch for your package to arrive. For customers, the online shopping process should be simple and easy. But since the eCommerce boom, the logistical challenge of delivering things to a home or business has become even more intricate behind the … Read more

The Importance of Cybersecurity in Logistics


Modern logistics deeply depends on digital tools and communication infrastructure to increase productivity and optimize processes. These technologies allow online merchants to easily monitor shipments, interact with customers and partners, and obtain crucial sales data. However, this reliance on technology makes systems more susceptible to cyberattacks. These can have detrimental … Read more

Five Benefits of Investing in Logistics Technology


Transportation and logistics businesses constantly seek innovative strategies to boost flexibility, sustainability, and transparency. These are necessities now for eCommerce operations as supply chains broaden their worldwide reach.  Adopting emerging technology is essential to help online merchants financially and operationally. These cutting-edge tech solutions increase supply chain effectiveness, productivity, and … Read more

The Impact of Autonomous Vehicles on Logistics


Many recent developments in technologies have greatly affected how the logistics sector operates. Autonomous vehicles are one such technological advancement that can significantly alter logistics dynamics. Thanks to their various technology integrations, these vehicles can be used without a driver. Leading tech companies, including the top automobile manufacturers, have invested … Read more

What is a Virtual Warehouse in Inventory Management?


Today’s customers expect an omnichannel eCommerce environment with a seamless, customized shopping experience. They want to order from anywhere, anytime. These empowered shoppers have changed fulfillment and transportation in retail supply chains. Customers might think all your products are conveniently located in just one warehouse near your business office. However, … Read more

Increasing Efficiency through Warehouse Automation


There is growing pressure to upgrade and transform logistics as digitalization and automation sweep the eCommerce industry.  Scale capability, greater flexibility, reliable automation, increased efficiency, and lower costs are retail businesses’ top priorities. As a result, many online merchants are looking for practical ways to use automation, intelligence, and unmanned … Read more

AI Inventory Management: What You Need to Know


Online businesses must manage their supply chains efficiently to maintain a competitive edge in the face of globalization and technological advancement. Companies now consider AI inventory management more due to the variety of client demands, international competitiveness, and market competition. There is an urgent need to improve inventory management as … Read more

Why You Should Implement a Warehouse Scanning System


Online merchants frequently face challenges, but inventory tracking and clunky warehouse management can be more difficult.    But they have to deal with it to stay competitive. Company managers use automation technology like barcoding and warehouse scanning systems to increase organizational efficiency and cut costs. A warehouse scanning system is a … Read more

Achieving Maximum Efficiency with Automation in Logistics


Businesses are always looking for innovative ways to improve their margins. Entrepreneurs need every advantage with rising shipping costs and the ever-present supply chain crisis. Enter automation in logistics, which promises to streamline processes through digitization. Emergent technologies such as artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning increase efficiency and stability … Read more

Revolutionizing your logistics is just a few steps away.