Customs Duty De Minimis Values by Country (Updated 2022)
Time to read: 8 minutes
One of the more revolutionary aspects of eCommerce is its ability to connect consumers with hard-to-find, well-sought-after items quickly. The industry made the world smaller and more accessible. It would take weeks or even months to find rare items back then. And it would be costly as it would go through sellers, intermediaries, several ports, and more. E-commerce has made these rare items or collectibles far easier to obtain. For retailers, eCommerce provides a more extensive customer base. More potential buyers equals more chances of making a profit.
Yet, despite it being easier to get into, there’s still a learning curve before a seller offers international shipping. Countries impose different rules and regulations on imports and exports. One of these guidelines sellers should note is the Customs Duty De Minimis Value.
What is Customs Duty De Minimis Value?
Contrary to popular belief, not all goods are subjected to tax and duties when it reaches their international destination. Items whose declared value falls below a certain threshold, otherwise known as the de minimis value, do not have duties and taxes tacked on to them. Each country imposes its own fees.
Importance of Customs Duty De Minimis Knowledge
It is crucial for online retailers that cater to international customers to be aware of the de minimis value of their service countries. These tax exemptions may play a role in determining price structures and profit margins. Likewise, knowing the de minimis value of a region can help a retailer provide better customer service to their patrons. Sellers can inform their buyers if their orders have gone past the de minimis value of their area.
Customs Duty De Minimis Values by Country
As of the time of writing, below are the de minimis values by country based on a research done by Zonos*:
*The list below may contain information that may not be completely accurate or up to date. ZhenHub does not accept any liability for the inaccuracies contained therein or decision made on the basis of the information listed below.
Country |
Country Code |
Duty de minimis |
Tax de minimis |
Afghanistan |
AF |
0.00 USD |
0.00 USD |
Åland Islands |
AX |
0.00 USD |
0.00 USD |
Albania |
AL |
100.00 USD |
100.00 USD |
Algeria |
DZ |
50000.00 DZD |
50000.00 DZD |
American Samoa |
AS |
0.00 USD |
0.00 USD |
Andorra |
AD |
220.00 EUR |
0.00 EUR |
Angola |
AO |
100.00 USD |
100.00 USD |
Anguilla |
AI |
0.00 XCD |
0.00 XCD |
Antigua & Barbuda |
AG |
0.00 USD |
0.00 USD |
Argentina |
AR |
0.00 USD |
0.00 USD |
Armenia |
AM |
300.00 USD |
300.00 USD |
Aruba |
AW |
0.00 USD |
0.00 USD |
Australia |
AU |
1000.00 AUD |
1000.00 AUD |
Austria |
AT |
150.00 EUR |
0.00 EUR |
Azerbaijan |
AZ |
0.00 USD |
0.00 USD |
Bahamas |
BS |
0.00 USD |
0.00 USD |
Bahrain |
BH |
300.00 BHD |
300.00 BHD |
Bangladesh |
BD |
1000.00 BDT |
0.00 BDT |
Barbados |
BB |
0.00 BBD |
0.00 BBD |
Belarus |
BY |
22.00 EUR |
22.00 EUR |
Belgium |
BE |
150.00 EUR |
0.00 EUR |
Belize |
BZ |
0.00 BZD |
0.00 BZD |
Benin |
BJ |
50.00 USD |
50.00 USD |
Bermuda |
BM |
0.00 BMD |
0.00 BMD |
Bhutan |
BT |
0.00 INR |
0.00 INR |
Bolivia |
BO |
0.00 USD |
0.00 USD |
Bonaire, St.Eustatius & Saba |
BQ |
100.00 USD |
100.00 USD |
Bosnia & Herzegovina |
BA |
300.00 KM |
300.00 KM |
Botswana |
BW |
0.00 BWP |
0.00 BWP |
Brazil |
BR |
0.00 BRL |
0.00 BRL |
Brunei Darussalam |
BN |
0.00 BND |
0.00 BND |
Bulgaria |
BG |
150.00 EUR |
0.00 BGN |
Burkina Faso |
BF |
0.00 USD |
0.00 USD |
Burundi |
BI |
0.00 USD |
0.00 USD |
Canada |
CA |
20.00 CAD |
20.00 CAD |
Cambodia |
KH |
50.00 USD |
50.00 USD |
Cameroon |
CM |
400.00 USD |
400.00 USD |
Cape Verde |
CV |
200.00 USD |
200.00 USD |
Cayman Islands |
KY |
0.00 USD |
0.00 USD |
Central African Republic |
CF |
20.00 USD |
0.00 USD |
Chad |
TD |
20.00 USD |
20.00 USD |
Chile |
CL |
30.00 USD |
30.00 USD |
China, People’s Republic of |
CN |
0.00 CNY |
0.00 CNY |
Colombia |
CO |
200.00 USD |
0.00 USD |
Comoros |
KM |
0.00 USD |
0.00 USD |
Congo |
CG |
12.00 USD |
12.00 USD |
Congo, Democratic Republic of the |
CD |
0.00 USD |
0.00 USD |
Cook Islands |
CK |
0.00 NZD |
0.00 NZD |
Costa Rica |
CR |
50.00 USD |
50.00 USD |
Croatia |
HR |
150.00 EUR |
0.00 EUR |
Cuba |
CU |
0.00 USD |
0.00 USD |
Curaçao |
CW |
100.00 USD |
100.00 USD |
Cyprus |
CY |
150.00 EUR |
0.00 EUR |
Czech Republic |
CZ |
150.00 EUR |
0.00 EUR |
Denmark |
DK |
1150.00 DKK |
0.00 DKK |
Djibouti |
DJ |
0.00 DJF |
0.00 DJF |
Dominica |
DM |
0.00 USD |
0.00 USD |
Dominican Republic |
DO |
200.00 USD |
200.00 USD |
Ecuador |
EC |
10.00 USD |
0.00 USD |
Egypt |
EG |
0.00 EGP |
0.00 EGP |
El Salvador |
SV |
0.00 USD |
0.00 USD |
Equatorial Guinea |
GQ |
200.00 USD |
0.00 USD |
Eritrea |
ER |
100.00 USD |
0.00 USD |
Estonia |
EE |
150.00 EUR |
0.00 EUR |
Ethiopia |
ET |
25.00 EUR |
25.00 EUR |
Falkland Islands (Malvinas) |
FK |
0.00 USD |
0.00 USD |
Faroe Islands (Denmark) |
FO |
300.00 DKK |
300.00 DKK |
Fiji |
FJ |
200.00 FJD |
200.00 FJD |
Finland |
FI |
150.00 EUR |
0.00 EUR |
France |
FR |
150.00 EUR |
0.00 EUR |
French Guiana |
GF |
150.00 EUR |
0.00 EUR |
French Polynesia (Tahiti) |
PF |
0.00 USD |
0.00 USD |
French Southern Territories |
TF |
0.00 USD |
0.00 USD |
Gabon |
GA |
10.00 USD |
10.00 USD |
Gambia |
GM |
100.00 USD |
100.00 USD |
Georgia |
GE |
300.00 GEL |
0.00 GEL |
Germany |
DE |
150.00 EUR |
0.00 EUR |
Ghana |
GH |
5.00 USD |
0.00 USD |
Gibraltar |
GI |
0.00 USD |
0.00 USD |
Greece |
GR |
150.00 EUR |
0.00 EUR |
Greenland (Denmark) |
GL |
80.00 DKK |
80.00 DKK |
Grenada |
GD |
20.00 XCD |
0.00 USD |
Guadeloupe |
GP |
150.00 EUR |
0.00 EUR |
Guam |
GU |
0.00 USD |
0.00 USD |
Guatemala |
GT |
0.00 USD |
0.00 USD |
Guernsey |
GG |
0.00 EUR |
0.00 EUR |
Guinea |
GN |
15.00 USD |
15.00 USD |
Guinea-Bissau |
GW |
100.00 USD |
0.00 USD |
Guyana |
GY |
0.00 USD |
0.00 USD |
Haiti |
HT |
0.00 USD |
0.00 USD |
Heard Island and McDonald Islands |
HM |
0.00 USD |
0.00 USD |
Honduras |
HN |
0.00 USD |
0.00 USD |
Hong Kong |
HK |
0.00 USD |
0.00 USD |
Hungary |
HU |
150.00 EUR |
0.00 EUR |
Iceland |
IS |
0.00 ISK |
0.00 ISK |
India |
IN |
0.00 INR |
0.00 INR |
Indonesia |
ID |
3.00 USD |
0.00 USD |
Iran |
IR |
50.00 USD |
50.00 USD |
Iraq |
IQ |
0.00 USD |
0.00 USD |
Ireland |
IE |
150.00 EUR |
0.00 EUR |
Isle of Man |
IM |
135.00 GBP |
15.00 GBP |
Israel |
IL |
500.00 USD |
75.00 USD |
Italy |
IT |
150.00 EUR |
0.00 EUR |
Ivory Coast |
CI |
20.00 USD |
20.00 USD |
Jamaica |
JM |
50.00 USD |
0.00 USD |
Japan |
JP |
10000.00 JPY |
10000.00 JPY |
Jersey |
JE |
0.00 GBP |
0.00 GBP |
Jordan |
JO |
100.00 JOD |
0.00 JOD |
Kazakhstan |
KZ |
500.00 EUR |
500.00 EUR |
Kenya |
KE |
0.00 USD |
0.00 USD |
Kiribati |
KI |
0.00 USD |
0.00 USD |
Korea, The Republic of |
KR |
200.00 USD |
200.00 USD |
Korea, Democratic People’s Republic of |
KP |
0.00 USD |
0.00 USD |
Kuwait |
KW |
100.00 USD |
0.00 USD |
Kyrgyzstan |
KG |
120.00 USD |
120.00 USD |
Laos |
LA |
0.00 LAK |
0.00 LAK |
Latvia |
LV |
150.00 EUR |
0.00 EUR |
Lebanon |
LB |
0.00 USD |
0.00 USD |
Lesotho |
LS |
0.00 USD |
0.00 USD |
Liberia |
LR |
0.00 USD |
0.00 USD |
Libya |
LY |
0.00 USD |
0.00 USD |
Liechtenstein |
LI |
0.00 CHF |
0.00 CHF |
Lithuania |
LT |
150.00 EUR |
0.00 EUR |
Luxembourg |
LU |
150.00 EUR |
0.00 EUR |
Macau |
MO |
0.00 MOP |
0.00 MOP |
Macedonia |
MK |
22.00 EUR |
22.00 EUR |
Madagascar |
MG |
20.00 USD |
20.00 USD |
Malawi |
MW |
0.00 MWK |
0.00 MWK |
Malaysia |
MY |
500.00 MYR |
0.00 MYR |
Maldives |
MV |
6000.00 MVR |
0.00 MVR |
Mali |
ML |
20.00 USD |
20.00 USD |
Malta |
MT |
150.00 EUR |
0.00 EUR |
Marshall Islands |
MH |
0.00 USD |
0.00 USD |
Martinique |
MQ |
150.00 EUR |
0.00 EUR |
Mauritania |
MR |
25.00 USD |
25.00 USD |
Mauritius |
MU |
500.00 MUR |
500.00 MUR |
Mayotte |
YT |
150.00 EUR |
0.00 EUR |
Mexico |
MX |
1000.00 USD |
50.00 USD |
Micronesia, Federated States of |
FM |
0.00 USD |
0.00 USD |
Moldova |
MD |
300.00 EUR |
300.00 EUR |
Monaco |
MC |
150.00 EUR |
22.00 EUR |
Mongolia |
MN |
0.00 MNT |
0.00 MNT |
Montenegro |
ME |
75.00 EUR |
0.00 EUR |
Montserrat |
MS |
0.00 USD |
0.00 USD |
Morocco |
MA |
30.00 USD |
30.00 USD |
Mozambique |
MZ |
30.00 USD |
30.00 USD |
Myanmar |
MM |
0.00 USD |
0.00 USD |
Namibia |
NA |
0.00 USD |
0.00 USD |
Nauru, Republic Of |
NR |
0.00 USD |
0.00 USD |
Nepal |
NP |
0.00 NPR |
0.00 NPR |
Netherlands |
NL |
150.00 EUR |
0.00 EUR |
New Caledonia |
NC |
0.00 USD |
0.00 USD |
New Zealand |
NZ |
1000.00 NZD |
1000.00 NZD |
Nicaragua |
NI |
0.00 NIO |
0.00 NIO |
Niger |
NE |
20.00 USD |
0.00 USD |
Nigeria |
NG |
0.00 USD |
0.00 USD |
Niue Island |
NU |
0.00 USD |
0.00 USD |
Norfolk Island |
NF |
50.00 USD |
0.00 USD |
Northern Mariana Islands |
MP |
0.00 USD |
0.00 USD |
Norway |
NO |
350.00 NOK |
350.00 NOK |
Oman |
OM |
0.00 USD |
0.00 USD |
Pakistan |
PK |
0.00 USD |
0.00 USD |
Palau |
PW |
0.00 USD |
0.00 USD |
Palestine |
PS |
0.00 EGP |
0.00 EGP |
Panama |
PA |
100.00 PAB |
100.00 PAB |
Papua New Guinea |
PG |
25.00 PGK |
25.00 PGK |
Paraguay |
PY |
20.00 USD |
20.00 USD |
Peru |
PE |
200.00 USD |
200.00 USD |
Philippines |
PH |
10000.00 PHP |
10000.00 PHP |
Pitcairn |
PN |
0.00 USD |
0.00 USD |
Poland |
PL |
150.00 EUR |
0.00 EUR |
Portugal |
PT |
150.00 EUR |
0.00 EUR |
Puerto Rico |
PR |
800.00 USD |
0.00 USD |
Qatar |
QA |
0.00 QAR |
0.00 QAR |
Reunion |
RE |
150.00 EUR |
22.00 EUR |
Romania |
RO |
150.00 EUR |
0.00 EUR |
Russia |
RU |
200.00 EUR |
200.00 EUR |
Rwanda |
RW |
0.00 USD |
0.00 USD |
St. Barthelemy |
BL |
0.00 EUR |
0.00 EUR |
Saint Helena |
SH |
0.00 USD |
0.00 USD |
St. Kitts and Nevis |
KN |
0.00 USD |
0.00 USD |
St. Lucia |
LC |
0.00 USD |
0.00 USD |
St. Maarten |
MF |
100.00 USD |
0.00 USD |
Saint Pierre and Miquelon |
PM |
0.00 USD |
0.00 USD |
St. Vincent |
VC |
0.00 XCD |
0.00 XCD |
Samoa |
WS |
0.00 SDG |
0.00 SDG |
San Marino |
SM |
22.00 EUR |
0.00 EUR |
Sao Tome & Principe |
ST |
0.00 USD |
0.00 USD |
Saudi Arabia |
SA |
1000.00 SAR |
0.00 USD |
Senegal |
SN |
30.00 USD |
0.00 USD |
Serbia |
RS |
0.00 RSD |
0.00 RSD |
Seychelles |
SC |
0.00 SCR |
0.00 SCR |
Sierra Leone |
SL |
0.00 USD |
0.00 USD |
Singapore |
SG |
400.00 SGD |
400.00 SGD |
Slovakia |
SK |
150.00 EUR |
0.00 EUR |
Slovenia |
SI |
150.00 EUR |
0.00 EUR |
Solomon Islands |
SB |
0.00 USD |
0.00 USD |
Somalia |
SO |
0.00 USD |
0.00 USD |
South Africa |
ZA |
0.00 ZAR |
0.00 ZAR |
South Sudan |
SS |
0.00 USD |
0.00 USD |
Spain |
ES |
150.00 EUR |
0.00 EUR |
Sri Lanka |
LK |
0.00 LKR |
0.00 LKR |
Sudan |
SD |
0.00 USD |
0.00 USD |
Suriname |
SR |
0.00 XCD |
0.00 XCD |
Svaldbard |
SJ |
0.00 USD |
0.00 USD |
Swaziland |
SZ |
0.00 USD |
0.00 USD |
Sweden |
SE |
1600.00 SEK |
0.00 SEK |
Switzerland |
CH |
0.00 CHF |
0.00 CHF |
Syria |
SY |
50.00 SYP |
0.00 SYP |
Taiwan |
TW |
2000.00 TWD |
2000.00 TWD |
Tajikistan |
TJ |
0.00 USD |
0.00 USD |
Tanzania |
TZ |
0.00 TZS |
0.00 TZS |
Thailand |
TH |
1500.00 THB |
1500.00 THB |
Timor-Leste |
TL |
0.00 USD |
0.00 USD |
Togo |
TG |
400.00 USD |
400.00 USD |
Tokelau |
TK |
0.00 USD |
0.00 USD |
Tonga |
TO |
0.00 USD |
0.00 USD |
Trinidad and Tobago |
TT |
0.00 TTD |
0.00 TTD |
Turkey |
TR |
0.00 EUR |
0.00 EUR |
Turkmenistan |
TM |
0.00 USD |
0.00 USD |
Turks and Caicos Islands |
TC |
0.00 USD |
0.00 USD |
Tunisia |
TN |
0.00 TND |
0.00 TND |
Tuvalu |
TV |
0.00 USD |
0.00 USD |
Uganda |
UG |
0.00 USD |
0.00 USD |
Ukraine |
UA |
150.00 EUR |
0.00 EUR |
United Arab Emirates |
AE |
1000.00 AED |
0.00 AED |
United Kingdom |
GB |
135.00 GBP |
0.00 GBP |
United States |
US |
800.00 USD |
800.00 USD |
United States Minor Outlying Islands |
UM |
0.00 USD |
0.00 USD |
Uruguay |
UY |
1.00 USD |
1.00 USD |
Uzbekistan |
UZ |
1000.00 USD |
1000.00 USD |
Vanuatu |
VU |
0.00 USD |
0.00 USD |
Vatican City |
VA |
0.00 EUR |
0.00 EUR |
Venezuela |
VE |
100.00 USD |
100.00 USD |
Vietnam |
VN |
1000000.00 VND |
0.00 VND |
Virgin Islands (British) |
VG |
0.00 USD |
0.00 USD |
Virgin Islands (U.S.) |
VI |
0.00 USD |
0.00 USD |
Wallis and Futuna |
WF |
200.00 XPF |
0.00 XPF |
Western Sahara |
EH |
0.00 USD |
0.00 USD |
Yemen |
YE |
0.00 YER |
0.00 YER |
Zambia |
ZM |
50.00 USD |
50.00 USD |
Zimbabwe |
ZW |
10.00 USD |
10.00 USD |
With this list, you’ll know which countries are more conducive to setting up warehouses and operations to help further expand your business. But as we’ve mentioned in our previous blogs, it’s not easy navigating through international shipping and logistics. If you’re looking to expand to other global markets and require the best 3PL and logistics partner, then ZhenHub can help.
Need help navigating through international shipping and logistics? You have come to the right place. ZhenHub has several international locations around the globe. Through our expertise and tech-based products, your business can take on the world in no time. Contact us today to learn more or request a free quote to get things started!